
Watch out for those that want your loyalty.

Loyalty is a co-opted spiritual, Godly notion wrapped in a human word. It requires faith, trust, and allegiance. Only He deserves all three of those in their full.

So, be weary. I believe that humans that demand loyalty must at least mildly suffer from a delusion of sorts. Perhaps they believe themselves to be God. Maybe they don't believe in God at all. Or there's just some standard narcissism at play. Maybe there are other reasons. Fear is often a big one. It can be an intriguing exercise to try to figure out the underlying reason(s). Ultimately, however, it is irrelevant.

For someone to demand loyalty to oneself from others requires a certain separation from God that we should all be working to correct. But, far worse, in this case it requires a desire to spread that separation to others.

Even when born of ignorance, this is a dangerous thing. As a human notion, it represents a desperate seeking of the eternal - love - from others who are only able to provide it imperfectly. The seeker is seeking the very thing that they should instead be giving. And, they are seeking that thing from the wrong source. Loyalty should be given to God, not sought from man.

Beware, my brothers and sisters.

Help refine the foolishness

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